01. How are Shipping Charges calculated when Shipping with Seventh Square ?
Shipping Charges are fixed based on the Shipping schedule provided in the Seller Agreement. Please reach out to us at seller@seventhsq.com to find out the complete shipping charges.
02. Can I charge different prices for different quantities ?
Yes. But only when the product is available on ‘Price on Request’ or Buyer raises an enquiry for your product. This will help you provide discounts to Bulk Orders or repeat customers on the platform.
03. Who decides the price at which the consumer buys my product ?
As a seller, you decide the price of the product for the consumer. However, we, on our own accord, can provide discounts to the customers without any impact on your Net Disbursement Amount.
04. How and when do I receive payments ?
For Orders marked as successfully delivered, Disbursement Amount is transferred to your Available Balance. This Balance is remitted to you on a daily basis.
05. Where do I check my pending transactions ?
Go to 'Payment History' in your dashboard and check the 'Transactions' tab.
06. What is Payment Collection Fee ? Why is it charged ?
Payment Processing / Collection Fee is the amount that we charge to collect and process payments. This is a fixed percentage of Buyer Payment.
Services including Collecting Payments through payment gateway and Cash-on-delivery collection by Delivery Partners are procured on chargeable basis from the providers. This cost after averaging is passed on to the sellers.
07. How much 'Marketplace Commission' is charged by Seventh Square ?
Marketplace Commission is based on Product Category and Type. The list for same is provided in the seller agreement. You can check for any particular product here in Price Calculator.
08. How do I price my product to receive my desired amount ?
You can check the amount in Price Calculator
Cick on 'How much do I get ?' under Sale Price while adding a new product.