01. How do I know if I've received any order ?
You receive Order Updates and notifications in your Seller Dashboard as well as Phone, Email, Text/Whatsapp as per your selected settings in profile.
02. I ran out of inventory. I won't be able to fulfil the order. What should I do?
In this case, you can either cancel the order or delay shipment. If you delay shipment, the buyer can cancel the order and it will be marked under seller cancellation.
03. Should I always keep inventory ?
Yes. You should keep adequate inventory for all uploaded products to fulfill any upcoming orders.
04. I ran out of inventory but I can fulfil the order after 1/2 days. Can I still follow up with the order?
Yes. You can mark the shipment as delayed. However, the buyer may end up cancelling the order due to delay.
05. Where can I see all my orders ?
In the Seller Dashboard, all your active orders are available under ‘Current Orders’ and all previous orders are available under ‘Past Orders’. Both these pages can be accessed on the left aligned menu column on your Dashboard.
06. My product orders work on sampling of the product. Is there any product sampling service on Seventh Square ?
Sampling is available in Bricks , Flooring & Wall , Boards & Sheets and Roofing Products. All these are available for the same city in which the seller dispatches the product from. The seller can choose to keep paid as well as free sampling. Please reach out to us at seller@seventhsq.com to enable sampling
07. I'm not receiving order notifications. What should I do?
Please reach out to us at seller@seventhsq.com to raise a technical issue.
08. A buyer has asked to cancel an order. What should I do ? Will I bear any cancellation charges ?
You can cancel the order and list the reason. Once it's clear that it was requested by the buyer, no cancellation charges will be levied.
09. I mistakenly cancelled an order. What should I do ?
If an order is mistakenly cancelled by you, please inform us of the same and whether you’d like to fulfill the order. We’ll try to reinstate the order and inform the customer of the same.
10. I want to set my own return policy. How do I proceed ?
For returnable products, you can add your return guidelines , eligibility and policy while adding your product. The same will be displayed to the customer on your product’s page on the website.