01. Does Seventh Square offer Shipping / Delivery for orders ?
Yes. We have partnered with top logistics service providers in the country to help you deliver your products to your customers.
02. I manufacture bulky construction material and shipping is key to my sales. How do I best utilise the platform ?
For Bulky Construction Material which you wish to ship with Seventh Square, please reach out to our team at seller@seventhsq.com
03. I have my own logistics network in certain cities/ regions. Can I use Seventh Square shipping only where I don't have my own network ?
Yes. Please reach out to us at seller@seventhsq.com to implement the required settings.
04. I can ship some of my products by myself. Is it possible ?
Yes. You can select 'Shipping Method' for each product separately.
05. I want to set my own return policy. How do I proceed ?
You can set a return policy for every returnable product while adding the product.
06. I want to ship my orders myself. How do I choose the relevant settings ?
Shipping method or Delivery Settings is available for each product while you add it. You can change it after adding as well by editing the product.
07. I have multiple delivery and storage hubs for my products. How do I proceed with shipping ?
Add your Delivery / Storage hubs in your Seller Profile under ‘Warehouse / Pick-up Location’. These locations can then be chosen for each product separately while you add any product. Also, multiple locations can be chosen for any single product.
08. What is Seventh Square's return policy ?
You can read the 'Cancellation & Return Policy' here.
09. Can the buyer partially return the shipment ?
Yes. Buyer can return specific products if multiple products are ordered. However, Buyer cannot partially return a product ordered in multiple quantities. Also, Buyer cannot return partial components of a single product.
For example, You are selling a product ‘Washbasin Set’ which comprises of ‘Washbasin + Faucet + Aerator’.
Buyer purchases 5 product sets from you. In this case, buyer can return all 5, but cannot return 2 and keep 3. Also, buyer cannot return just faucet and keep the remaining 2 components of the set.
10. My products are bulky / fragile and Customer Returns will be too costly for me. Is there any solution to this?
Yes. You can mark the product as non-returnable while you’re adding it. This will be shown to the customers on product page before they purchase it. This will imply that the products are non-returnable unless seller has delivered different product than what was ordered or product is faulty on delivery.
Read Return Policy & Guidelines to better understand return situations.