Sale Price
Amount paid by the customer on purchase of product
Marketplace Commission
Includes Commission based on Product,Payment collection fee (if applicable)
Service GST 18%
GST applicable on Marketplace Commission
Settlement Amount
Amount transferrable to your account for the product sale
For example, if price paid by the customer is INR 1000 (excluding delivery) and Product commission is 5% and payment collection fee is 1.8%, then the calculation would look something like this below (delivery charges are separately settled in this case)
Check the same for any price and situation with our Price Calculator
Sellers have the option to deliver the products themselves or with us. Here's how it looks :
1. Inclusive Delivery : Delivery charges are included in the product sale price and customer pays no extra
2. Exclusive Delivery : Delivery charges are excluded from sale price and customer pays shipping extra as
per location and product weight
Both these options are available whether seller chooses self shipping or Shipping with Seventh Square
This is the fee charged by payment gateways and delivery operators for collection of payment. This is only applicable if the customer pays using payment gateway on the platform or by cash on delivery. This is flat at 1.8% and is charged from the sale price of the product along with 18% GST on it.
Still have some questions ? Check out Payment FAQs or reach out to us here